





2009/9——2012/7 西南大学,发展与教育心理学,博士

2006/9——2009/7 西南大学,发展与教育心理学,硕士

1995/9——1999/7 四川师范大学,教育学,学士



主持:数字-空间映射的认知神经机制:基于三分范式的研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目,项目号:317602852018.1.1-2021, 12.31

主持:数学焦虑对数字空间映射影响的认知神经机制及干预研究,江西省自然科学基金面上项目,项目号:20232BAB2050272023.7.1-2026. 6.30

主持:辽宁省初中生心理健康指标体系及培养研究,辽宁省教育厅研究课题, 2013.1.1-2016.12.31

主持:数字空间表征的认知神经机制,江西省教育厅研究课题, 2016.1.1-2019.12.31



主研:国家自然科学基金地区项目,31960182,防御性手近效应及其神经机制,2020.1.1-2023.12. 31




1. Zeng, T., Zhao, Y., Cao, B.*, Jia, J*. (2024). Perception of visual variance is mediated by subcortical mechanisms. Brain and Cognition, 175, 106131.


2. Cao, B.*, Zeng, X., Zhang, J., Wang, X., & Li, F*. (2023). Stronger spatial bias induced more by numbers in mind than numbers in eye: Evidence from event-related potentials. Biological Psychology179, 108565.

3. Ding, G., Ye, W., Cao, B., & Li, F*. (2023). Electrophysiological correlates of the effect of set size on object switching in working memory. Psychophysiology, 60(1), e14135.

4.曹碧华*, 曾婷, 廖虹, & 李富洪. (2023). 儿童数字线估计: 不同范围和长度情境的影响心理技术与应用11(5), 257-270.


5. Zhang, P., Cao, B.*, & Li, F*. (2022). The role of cognitive control in the SNARC effect: A review. PsyCh Journal11(6), 792803.

6. Chen, Y., Cao, B.*, Xie L., Wu J., Li, F*. (2022). Proactive and reactive control differ between task switching and response rule switching: Event-related potential evidence, Neuropsychologia, 172, 108272

7. 吴建校, 曹碧华, 陈云, 李子夏, 李富洪*. (2022). 认知控制的层级性:来自任务切换的脑电证据. 心理学报, 54(10), 11671180.


8. Zhang, P., Cao, B.*, & Li, F*. (2021). SNARC effect modulated by central executive control:Revealed in a cue-based trisection task. Psychological research, 85(6), 2223–2236.

9. Zhuo, B., Chen, Y., Zhu, M., Cao, B., & Li, F*. (2021). Response variations can promote the efficiency of task switching: Electrophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, 156, 107828.

10. 曹碧华*, 曾春雲, 廖虹, & 李富洪. (2021). 心理长度对二年级儿童数字线估计表征的影响. 心理发展与教育,37(2), 190198.

11. 宋婷, 丁刚强, 曹碧华, 杜玮玮, & 李富洪*. (2021). 负荷越大, 转换越难——来自数字大小交替比较的证据. 心理科学, 44(2), 290295.


  1. Xie, L., Cao, B., Li, Z., & Li, F*. (2020). Neural dynamics of cognitive control in various types of incongruence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience14, 214.

13. Li, F., Li, Z., Cao, B.*, Hu, L., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Children prefer pattern over shape during complex categorization. PsyCh Journal, 9(6), 819-831.

14. Zhu, M., Zhuo, B., Cao, B., & Li, F*. (2020). Distinct brain activation in response to negative feedback at different stages in a variant of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Biological Psychology, 150, 1707810.


15. Li, J., Cao, B., Han, J., Xie, L., & Li, F*. (2019). Not Inertia but Reconfiguration: Asymmetrical Switch Cost in a Hierarchical Task. Brain research, 1720, 146291.

16. Han, J., Xie, L., Cao, B.*, Li, J., Chen, Y., & Li, F*. (2019). More abstract, more difficult to shift: Behavior and electrophysiological evidence. Behavioral brain research, 362, 273278.

17. Zhang, Z., Luo, Y., Wang, C., Warren, C. M., Xia, Q., Xing, Q., Cao, B., Lei, Y., & Li, H*. (2019). Identification and transformation difficulty in problem solving: electrophysiological evidence from chunk decomposition. Biological psychology, 143, 1021.

18. 曹碧华, 张平, 李红, 唐艳, &李富洪*. (2019). 不同认知卷入程度分心活动对幼儿延迟满足的影响. 学前教育研究, 9, 3747.


19. Wang, X., Han, J., Li, F.*, & Cao, B*. (2018). Both rewards and moral praise can increase the prosocial decisions: Revealed in a Modified Ultimatum Game Task. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1865.

20. 于明阳, 李富洪, &曹碧华*. (2018). 愉快面孔识别优势及其认知神经机制. 心理科学进展, 26(2), 254261.


  1. Leng, B., Wang, X., Cao, B.*, & Li, F*. (2017). Frontal negativity: An electrophysiological index of interpersonal guilt. Social Neuroscience, 12(6), 649660.

22. Li, F.*, Xie, L., Yang, X., & Cao, B*. (2017). The Effect of Feedback and Operational Experience on Children’s Rule Learning. Frontiers in psychology8, 534.

23. 曹碧华, 黄小梅, 杨丽, 李红, & 李富洪*. (2017). 亮度对空间-数字反应编码联合效应的影响. 心理发展与教育, 33(4), 394400.


24. Cao, B., Li, W., Li, F.*, & Li, H. (2016). Dissociable roles of medial and lateral PFC in rule learning. Brain and behavior6(11), e00551.

25. Cao, B., Gao, F., Ren, M., & Li, F*. (2016). Hierarchical effects on target detection and conflict monitoring. Scientific Reports6(1), 32234.

26. Gao, H.,Cao, B.,Qi, M., Wang, J., Zhang, Q.*, & Li, F*. (2016). Two stages of directed forgetting: Electrophysiological evidence from a short-term memory task. Psychophysiology, 53(6), 806-813.

27. Han, J., Cao, B., Cao, Y., Gao, H., & Li, F*. (2016). The role of right frontal brain regions in integration of spatial relation. Neuropsychologia, 86, 2937.

28.李永芬, 唐丹丹, 曹碧华, 梁秀玲, & 李红*. (2016). 大学生第二外语词汇学习中的测试效应.心理发展与教育, 32(2), 198204.


  1. Cao, B., Gao, H., & Li, F*. (2015). Hybrid model of price pair comparisons: evidence from an event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 26(14), 838841.

30. Gao, F., Cao, B., Cao, Y., Li, F.*, & Li, H*. (2015). Electrophysiological evidence of separate pathways for the perception of depth and 3D objects. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 96(2), 65–73.

31.蔡雪丽, 高贺明,曹碧华, & 李富洪*.(2015). 短时定向遗忘的负荷效应:来自ERP的证据. 心理科学,38(3), 514520.

32. 曹碧华*, 李永芬, 杨丽, 高明, 王香玲, & 于明阳. (2015). 数字偏好的发展特点及原因探析. 心理学进展,5(11), 640647.


33. Chen, Q., Ye, C., Liang, X., Cao, B., Lei, Y., & Li, H*. (2014). Automatic processing of taxonomic and thematic relations in semantic priming—Differentiation by early N400 and late frontal negativity. Neuropsychologia, 64, 5462.

34. 曹碧华, 杨丽珠*.对心理健康标准的质化研究. (2014). 辽宁教育行政学院学报, 4, 7174.

35. 周政,郝兴昌,曹碧华,郑艳艳. (2014). 词表呈现时间和通道的匹配性对错误记忆的影响. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版), 3, 125127.

36. 周政,郝兴昌,曹碧华. (2014).任务转换中对中介检索说的检验. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版), 4, 128130.

37.Li, F.*, Cao, B., Luo, Y., Lei, Y., & Li H*. (2013). Functional imaging of brain responses to different outcomes of hypothesis testing: revealed in a category induction task. Neuroimage, 66, 368–375.

38.Cao, B., Li, F., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., & Li, H*. (2012). The holistic processing of price comparison: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidences. Biological psychology, 89(1), 63–70.

39. Cao, B., Li, Y., Li, F., & Li, H*. (2012). Electrophysiological difference between mental state decoding and mental state reasoning. Brain research1464, 5360.

40. Cao, B., Li, F., & Li, H*. (2010). Notation-dependent processing of numerical magnitude: Electrophysiological evidence from Chinese numerals. Biological Psychology, 83, 47–55.

41. 曹碧华, 李富洪, 李红*, 肖风, & 秦嘉澜. (2010). 中文数字与阿拉伯数字加工绩效差异心理科学, 33(2), 422–424.


42. 曹碧华,李红*. (2009). 0-18 个月婴儿言语发展的个案分析. 学前教育研究,179(11)32–36.

43. 李富洪, 孙弘进*, 李红*, 曹碧华, & 邬德利. (2008).几何模块论的局限性: 来自梯形实验的证据. 心理学报, 40(2), 175183.

44. 曹碧华, 李富洪, & 李红*. (2007). 序数表征及其脑机制心理科学进展, 4, 613–617.

45. 曹碧华*. (2004). 倾斜的天平. 中小学心理健康教育, 30–31.